Monday, October 25, 2010

The Satin Ribbon Custom Theme :Rose Designs

I am very excited that shortly I will have 10 different rose ribbons for 10 different themed boutique style bows and line clips/tuxedo bows. This is just my pinks line. I am looking into other colors as well! I am thinking of even making some korker bows with the rose theme as well .. The first one I have created was last night. There is not other ribbon out there this ribbon was custom done by me and my designer!

I am still in love with shabby chic! I am old fashioned I guess bet I think it roses are my favorite flower: called the classic!

I will be adding new bows and designs daily don't know what I will decide to do each do day come and see my daily new designs!

Let me know what you would like to see as far as a custom ribbon what is your favorite it doesn't have to be my favorites what are your favorites leave a a comment below the blog.